21 Februar 2013

guinea fowl

once it was a foto from a trip to cameroun- then years later a sketch-
now it is an original acrylpainting on canvas 60 x 60

as the picture lasted still in my head.
during a ceremony with dance, songs and other mystc signs these
fowls were not desturbing the scenery, people told me that they were
part of it..... 

4 Kommentare:

  1. Harmony in silence...
    Warm greetings from Gent,Willy

  2. really nice to read your words..
    to look behind the scene....
    thank you so much
    super greetings

  3. das wirklich unglaublich, das Bild ist voller Geräusche und Musik ... sehr dynamisch, gefällt mir sehr. Deine Farben sowieso.

    ganz liebe Grüße

  4. vielen Dank Isabella für deinen interessanten
    herzliche Grüße


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