30 März 2022

A new African dream

The last post last year - we started in a new year - no good way

 Was very busy with my  African dream to find a solution over years I could not travel and had no contact . At leaast there is an new African dream.
A new story, real with new friends and th really good friends (not many) helped
me to find the old contact sgsin and dtart again ine an other way.
A long qay to go - I did not believe somehow. To get to know the right people - at this time at this place in Paris - the Internet,  the power, the patience, all I had I used, to write in French language, finally to find the right conversation, the right words -

with success. A lot happend in Africa- in Senegal - next time more.

 hello  looking forward up mentioned blog - you can translate with google - so it is easy to read and do not write twice - thank you for fol...