08 Juni 2020

african artiste

long time ago we could visit a special art gallery pictures of African artists, no more to find
and changed to another place. As i am always interested and connections to African artists
will show  some time by time, fascinating for me. This artiste was coming from Ghana.
Others from Senegal, Kongo

 Abou Abou Senegal
A. Mancara

 Bony Kongo
B. Dschibango

at the entry

before opening my door 

17 April 2020

work in creativ process

my balcony atelier is opened and so it is possible to work outside refresh the white stripes, free hand. waiting before continue with the violet color. There will be rests of red and silver glitter. meanwhile searching for symbols (may be African ones) to go on. The pleasure always what is coming next  no need to hurry up, the oil color has to be dried. Part of this working process. Step by step.

Thank you for following.  

 hello  looking forward up mentioned blog - you can translate with google - so it is easy to read and do not write twice - thank you for fol...