30 Dezember 2014

hommage an O. Schlemmer

 acryl / Leinwand 90 x 90

 some corrections and details have to be done
O. Schlemmers art always have fascinated me all the time now looked again
and again and started with my picture, free and tried to do as it has to do
with dance, africa, coreography, art,

05 August 2014

recicle art

old picture old frame from garbage recicled with new colours

pigments, perls and other stuff 

a new  experiment

05 Juli 2014

waiting for the spirit

oil on canvas 1,00 x 70 colour pigment smal paper pieces  - have to finish small
details, corrections.
when starting did not konow exactly the theme, waiting for my spirit,,,,then....
with a concept following .....   

03 Juni 2014

africa is in my head

sketch ..what is up next? coco trees....piroge..... or what...
it is time to get put out oil colours.....

28 Mai 2014

afrikanische Idylle

afrika - senegal-impression-
fühlst du die wärme? kannst du das meer hören?
das geräusch der palmblätter?
träume dich weg...... 

07 März 2014

symbole und Muster

interesting sybols of art symbols from sothamerican indians 

old symbols on kelims - small art collection -

15 Februar 2014


finally online again- 
acryl /canvas 1,00 x 70 suddenly it was comming out ....like this.....
finding card stuff and....th idea was born.....
sold nov.2014

 hello  looking forward up mentioned blog - you can translate with google - so it is easy to read and do not write twice - thank you for fol...